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 Monthly Mindfulness Classes
Tuesday and Thursday 8 pm EST. 
Let Make Life Easier, Safer, & More Meaningful

Embrace & Enjoy Your Uniqueness

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Bessel Van Der Kolk, researcher, and psychiatrist,  in his book  

The Body, Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the

Healing of Trauma describes how stress and trauma deeply

affect the brain and body. 


His finding  (p.38) implied four  facts:


• “We have the ability to change” (p.38)

•  "We can regulate our own physiology” (p.38)

•   We can control our thoughts and body (p.60)

•   Reconnecting is a key to recovery (p.42)


We need intention, attention, and commitment to stop hiding

and be authentic.

Every week on Tuesday & Thursday at 8 pm EST, we will 

investigate the mind, learn and understand the tools to stop

hiding and be ourselves.



Let's initiate your change together!

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